Take Advantage Of These Rates While They Last

“Quantitative Easing” is a euphemism – a made up word to position the activity of the Federal Reserve Bank as some kind of economically calming activity. A fiscal tranquilizer if you will.
Whether you agree or disagree with the Fed “printing” and them pumping $4 trillion dollars into the economy since 2008, the activity is ending. Janet Yellen, the white-haired woman with the magic wand, announced on Wednesday, October 27th, that the Fed’s bond buying program (Quantitative Easing) was ending this month.
While this does not automatically cause an increase in interest rates (the Fed must do that separately) it does signal a formal step in that direction.
As we have been saying for some time, sooner or later, rates will increase. Wednesday’s move by the Fed is an indication that the day is nearing.
We encourage you to take advantage of these rates while they last.
Call us for any real estate related question you may have, whether about current mortgage rates, properties available for sale or listing a property. We are here to serve you.