Rebirth of Downtown Los Angeles

There was a chill in the air and Jim was nursing a hot cup of coffee.
But the chill was not enough to distract his eyesight, which happened to catch the glint of gold reflecting in the water. He bent down and picked a gold nugget out of the canal.
Monday. Eight AM. January 24, 1848.
That is the day James Marshall discovered gold at the site of a sawmill he was building for John Sutter.
That event, of course, launched an international gold rush and changed the course of history.
The renovation that is happening in Downtown Los Angeles isn’t quite on the order of the discovery of gold at Sutter’s mill, but it is a “real estate gold rush” of magnitude nevertheless.
For those of you who have not been following the historic renovation of Downtown Los Angeles, you can get an overview of the 96 different development projects in progress by reading the article at the link below:
This is fascinating for any number of reasons, not the least of which is the proximity of downtown to LA County’s “northeast corridor.” Northeast LA is our “backyard.” It’s our wheelhouse. It is where we have specialized in residential and commercial real estate for over a decade.
If you want to see what is available just a stone’s throw from downtown’s rebirth and renovation, give us a call.